Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Just a reminder to those who think they know everything.........


(Aftercare) is the process of attending to a submissive after intense activities of a physical or psychological nature relating to BDSM activities. It can be, and often is, the most beautiful part of a scene, and it is part of the scene, the final scene. To skip it altogether is as rude as having dinner at a friend's house, and bolting once you've eaten your fill. Aftercare can confirm that the scene has just ended, that it had meaning and that the gifts of Dominance and submission had value. Aftercare in its most simple form is just being there with your partner for a sufficient time period so that they feel safe, secure and loved and no longer feel the need to cling to you.

(Aftercare) requires emotional support, comfort, reassurances, and physical tenderness and should be provided after ANY play scene OR punishment.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

daddy's little girl..........bdsm...........fictional only......daddy aka master/dom ~~~~~~ by me

Coming home from school...pigtails.....short skirt, knee highs, button up sitting on the couch watching call me over to you and tell me to take a seat next to "daddy" I sit down next to you ask me how my day was. I tell you in between taking sips from a soda can. I move closer to you....letting my skirt rise a little. You notice....but try not to notice. You ask me if I am ok......I tell you I am cold. You wrap your arm around me rubbing my shoulder and ask me if that is better I tell you I am still look over at me and notice my nipples are showing stiffly from underneath my blouse...then quickly look away. I look over at you catching your eye and seeing what you were looking at I blush a little but also smile. I ask if I can sit in your lap saying I would be so much warmer there you pause look at me ....I watch you gaze wonder down the front of me then back up to my eyes. You shake your head no and tell me that maybe I should go to my room and get a blanket to get warm. I pout a little as I watch you turn up the tv. I get up and head upstairs and lay face down on my bed mins pass and nothing is heard except the tv downstairs. I shove my head into my pillow wondering what I did to make you mad then I feel my Mattress move.

I don't move.....I hear your voice and feel your hand on my back. You ask me if I am warmer now....

I lay there silently, you ask me again pushing on my back rubbing it......"I asked you a question....are you warmer yet"

I still just lay there....head in my pillow but I move a little closer to you. I feel your hand slide down over my skirt.....then I feel the mattress move again and know that you have stood up. I turn my head a little to dare a peak to see where you are. You are standing at my doorway back towards me as if to go.....I whisper "I'm a little warmer daddy"

I see you waiver as if to take a step out of the room then you turn and walk closer to teh bed

"are you my little girl....are you warmer" you ask

I feel you sit on the bed again I let my body shift with the weight....letting my skirt lift completely up to my waist exposing my little panties.....white with little pink hearts ...bikinni cut. "a little warmer daddy but still kind of cold" I choke out.

you ask me "how can daddy help to warm my little girl up?"...... I look back at you out of the cornor of my eye and shrug. Then I bury my head back into the pillow. I hear you chuckle

then feel you hand on my back again sliding down and over my panties......then I feel you tug them making them slide up the crack of my ass....pulling against my cilt.

I bite my lower lip....not moving. You tell me that I have been bad not being honest with daddy......not telling him the truth. I ask what I have lied about. But you do not say a word you just pull harder on my panties then there is nothing........i feel you lift yourself again off the mattress. I don't look this time afraid to look, mins pass...nothing....I just lay there my ass exposed underwear firmly pressed against my clit. I fall asleep......

I wake to feeling very warm.........extremly warm. I'm still on my stomach but my blouse is undone and half way down my back pinning my arms to my side. My skirt is still raised up to my waist and my panties have been twisted so they are almost painfully pulled against my clit and up my ass.....clipped in the back to keep them there.

I feel your hands rubbing me my legs ......I go to look down but find I can not for there is a rope around my neck tied to the headboard keeping me still. I ask "daddy why am I tied"

You stop rubbing for a min then begin to rub harder ...harshly "daddy please......" I choke out in a whisper. You do not tug on my legs forcing my body to move and the rope to strain around my neck ....almost close to passing out ...then you release. I choke...gasping for breath......tears are streaking my face.....but I do not dare move or make a sound.....i feel you rubbing my legs legs feel like they are on fire. I get a glimpse of the bottle ont he nightstand that reads.....warms with motion. Now I know why my back and legs are so warm......

I whisper "daddy", timidly, stop rubbing and stand up. "what did I do to make you mad daddy" I cry. You look down at me as I turn my head to see your smile down at me warmly....."my little girl.....even when you are good you are still mine.....when you are bad you are mine ......when you are neither you are mine......" I am confused uncertain what to think. "daddy I do not understand" You look down again I watch you as you look slowly down my whole body......

"then understand this my little girl......i will take care of said you were cold and being you are MY little girl I must make sure you are warm" I look at you but do not say a word.....I bury my head into the pillow then I hear you ask in a very firm voice "is MY little girl still cold?"

I shake my head no feeling the rope burn into my skin. You walk over to the bed and pull on my legs hard "I did not hear you.....your head does not raddle.....NOW answer my question....are you still cold!!!" I try to speak but the rope is burning into my throat. I feel you release, then pull again "answer me"

I choke out "I'm warm Daddy" you release again....I gasp for air. Then I feel you laying on me the rope is pulled snug on my throat as you make me sink into the mattres with your weight.

I try to move but can not. I hear you at my ear whisper hot breath in my ear "I do not know if my little girl is warm......if I am to be a good Daddy I need to check" You get up and and I hear you leave the room......I sigh thinking it is ok...that you are no longer mad at me. I begin to cry in the pillow.....I finally scoot myself up the to relieve some fo the tension on the rope but not by much just enough to roll over so I can get some freash cold air again. When I roll over it twist my shirt in such a way pinning my arms behind my back....but I do not care because I can breath again. I close my eyes taking in long breaths...letting my body go limp....the only pain I feel is the clip that is keeping my panties in place as it is buried into my back. I lay there slightly propped against the head board to keep the rope lose.....eyes close taking in long deep breaths. Then with out warning I'm on my back flat the rope pulled tight around my arms stretched and twisted behind my back painfully...making my back arch and the blouse slide further to the sides exposing my breast. Then there is release again. I feel your hands under my arms as you lift me up the bed again relieving the tension in the rope. I look up at you releived to see you happy to be able to breath again....happy to see your smile.

You place a hand on my forehead and look down at me "you are safe little one" smile warmly. I begin to relax......I close my eyes for a second and feel your hand graze my bra... then slide down my stomach....I feel you tug on my panties.....I moan without meaning to just out of reaction to the bolt of electricty it sends through out my body. You tell me to open my eyes I do so slowly and then I see you hold in front of me a knife....not very large but very if to prove it to me you let it graze my cheek...not cutting but just feeling....

I feel the knife slide down my cheek and to my neck for a momment I think you will cut the rope

but I feel it slide past that. I feel it grazing my nipple threw my bra and then the other nipple

I here you chuckle a little as I gasp then I feel nothing but afraid to open my eyes. With a quick jerk I feel my bra snap ....cut and i feel the coldness of the blade against my nipples one af the other. I can feel my body reacting even though I do not wish it to. I feel my panties getting damp I here you say "hmmm I see my little girl likes this....." I do not say a word you reach up above my head and tug the rope....."does my little girl like this?" I nod afraid to say no. "awww such a bad little girl....lieing to daddy" You pull the rope hard and I feel you tighten it around my neck. "Now that you are such a bad little girl I will have to make sure this always stays tight" I wimper but can not choke out even a word. You smile....laughing a little......then stand up and just look down at me. "I think my little girl has too much on.......I think that dadd'ys little girl wants to please him........" "does daddy's little girl want to please him?" I go to whisper yes then remember the rope and choke out "no" "No....hmmmm No" you say almost with concern

I lay there thinking I have not lied.........I look to you and I see pain on your face. I feel like I have hurt you I feel pain inside for i do not want to hurt you....I watch you begin to leave the room. I choke out a soft "please" you stop and just stand there back turned to me...I can not see your face. I try again "please daddy"

you turn.....I begin to feel releived for I see you coming back "does daddy's little girl wish to please him?" you ask softly "yes daddy .....pleaes" I beg. You stand before me watching me.....I can feel your eyes watching my chest rise and fall as I try to breath.

Then you look at me a grin on your face

" you will please me.....but only when I wish you to.." I force out another whisper "please daddy pleaes let me please you" I force my hips up spreading my legs....exposing what the panties have turned very red and raw. You look down and grin "my girl is being bad again only thinking of herself......wanting to be pleased herself and not of daddy's needs" you chuckle

I watch as you lower your pants and your cock stand hard and erect inchs away from me

You crawl on top of me hovering.......looking down at me you grip the rope and pull hard....I feel all the blood rush to my face...feeling very speak almost harhsly "daddy's little slut is going to please him and she will please him right if she knows what is good for her"

I feel you crawl further up on me......knees pressed down into the mattress on either side of me right beside my hold the rope tight forcing me to gasp for air. I open to take in a deep breath and you shove your cock deep in my throat gaggin me. You pull the rope tight squeezing my throat feeling the rope on your cock through my throat. I swallow trying to gasp for breath my teeth graze you and you push your self deeper in "you will NOT do that again girl or you will never breath with out my cock in your thraot!!!!!" You push your cock over and over and over again forcing me to take you focing my head agsint the mattrees then pulling the rope forcing me against your pelvis.

Tears stream down my face you look down "my little girl will not cry she should be happy for she is pleasing her daddy" I hear these words and like a switch turned on in my head i begin to suck on you. You pull the rope tighter as tight as it will go and I can almost feel blackness wanting to take me .....making me swallow harder....trying to concentrate on sucking you to stay awake. I feel you begin to pulse and I suck even harder ...then you stop......I push my head forward trying to please you but you pull the rope back forcing me off you. "I said little girl will please her daddy but ONLY when he wants it and how he wants it"

"now you have given me no choice....."

I feel you grip me and flip me forcing the rope to twist and now it is so tight bringing tears to my eyes. Laying flat on my stomach I feel you enter my ass ....completely dry...........hard

With each thrust the rope is pulled tighter and my body tenses I hear you moan each time. You aer slamming against me pushing harder and harder. Almost completely passed out.....I feel you lift me up on the bed loosening the rope as you say "you will not pass out! My little girl will not do that daddy wants to hear her scream"

Then you are at me again except now you have positioned me so that I am almost up on my knees ..doggy are pumping me hard bruising me, ripping me. Then I feel you pull my panties almost ripping them as they tare across my clit....burning it. I tighten every muscle and scream out which only seems to excite you.

You move harder and faster ...I can not stop screaming any longer all I feel is my clit on fire as you are ripping me from behind. Then I feel you slam into me hard and stay there and I feel you pusling deep in me cumming in my ass pumping it hard my body tenses feeling you cum which only makes you moan louder and bury yourself deeper in me. I go limp thinking you are done but you continue to pulse for what seems like forever. You then stop you reach your arms around my waist hugging me while you head lay s on my back are still deep in my ass. You groan "that is how my little girl will please her daddy........for now......"

Thursday, November 26, 2009

The Dance~for my Master~~~~~ by me

I can close my eyes and picture us dancing somewhere, a bar/restaurant somewhere where there is slow music, low lights, about five other couples on the floor mostly older.  We are already looked at as being the cute "young" couple with friendly smiles from the older couples as we walk onto the dance floor.
Dancing slowly, swaying to the music, pressed close together. A couple of the older gentlemen smile at you and nod their heads as they hold their partners at the "correct" distance. But we stay close together my head on your shoulder turned so I can kiss your neck a little here and there. Letting my hands dip a little past your waist line with a gentle squeeze to your ass and then slide them back up to your neck where I begin to slowly rub it.  Tracing my fingers up and down the center of your neck, kneeding my thumbs into the mucles and looking up at you. Leaning in for what starts out as a very soft kiss, a gentle brush of our lips. My hips pressed against yours I can feel you kind of twitch beneath your pants when our lips touch so I bite a little, not painfully, on your lower lip. I feel another little twitch and feel your hands pull me closer to you. I part my lips and let my tongue trace your lips till yours part and then delve my tongue into your mouth touching the tip of my tongue to yours. A gentlemen from one of the couples clears his throat and you look over and kind of smile and nod at him while I try to drag your attention back to me trying to get my lips back onto yours. You don't let me have your lips immediately you kind of rock your head to the side and say "now now pet...behave" and kind of chuckle as you grip my ass pulling you tight against you.  I can feel your hardness bulging beneath your pants. I hesitate making another move being conflicted on if it would be good or bad to try to kiss you again but then I feel you pressed hard against me almost feeling like your cock is pressed up against my clit that is exposed under my dress. I look up at you and your grinning.  I push my lips against yours almost bruising them while I push my tongue into your mouth.  I hear you moan which just encourages me more. Pressed firmly against your lips and feeling that all your concentration is there I quickly drive my hand beneath your pants and grip your cock. I feel your body sort of push against mine as if your knees give out. I hear one of the women next to us gasp. But I pay her no attention....all my attention is on pleasing my Master. I push my hand up to the tip and place my palm so that the tip is in the center of my hand then pushing down forching the tip to run across my palm and sliding your shaft through my fingers. I do this a few times each time getting a little rougher. As I have worked my way from your lips to your neck sucking on it deeply and listneing to you moan with each rough stroke.  You are then tapped on the shoulder by one of the gentlemen who distinctly says "you have a very interesting dance but I believe it might be best if you leave the dance floor". You kind of look at him with a look of anger but then soften and tell him that you are sorry our dance has disturbed him and that he is right that it is time to leave the dance floor. You step back as my hand is snapped out of you pants and say "come pet it is time to return to our table".
I look to the floor upset with myself for I feel I have upset you and I follow you to the table making sure to keep my head down and eyes to the floor. We sit at our table and you say nothing at all which causes me to feel more guilt for not pleasing you. Minutes pass and waiters have come with glasses of wine and left again. You look at me and tell me to kneel before you. I get up from my chair and do as I am told ......the couple at the next table looks over and shakes their heads and gets up ....we here the women mumble something about young folks and manners. The dance floor is a few tables in front of us and is slightly crowded with the remaining guest of the restuarnt. You look down at me and say I believe my pet is still looking for desert. I look up at you wondering at first what you might mean until my mind clicks and I know and say a simple yes Master I am. I watch as you lift the cornor of the table cloth up and I can see that you have undone your pants and you are sitting their with your cock fully erect and exposed. you simply look at me and tell me pet if you wish to have desert I believe you will have to work for it. I crawl closer to you and look up at you, a waiter passes and almost drops his tray seeing what is about to happen but keeps walking snickering. I lean down and wrap my lips around you wanting to go slow, taking the tip and sucking it, moving further down slowly only about half way when I feel it go what feels like to far and I jerk back up hitting my head on the cornor of the table. I hear you sigh and say no pet I think it is more like this ....and I feel your hands on the back of my head as you shove your cock deep down my throat hard and fast. I go to pull up but you hold me there saying now swallow and keep swallowing. I do as I am told trying to make my throat muscles as tight as I can around you swallowing hard over and over again. Then I feel you yank my hair and pull me look at me now do you know? I do not answer I just know what I need to do......I take you back in my mouth and I force you deep in my throat and back up again faster and faster and faster, swallowing you wanting to make you cum wanting to please you. I hesitate when I hear one of the couples return to their table ...stopping almost letting you come out of my mouht but then I remember my training and keep you there but still afraid to move frozen from being caught. But then you tell me that you never gave me permission to stop and you force my head down again. I keep moving on you faster and faster ....hard ...thrusting my head down on you till I feel your hands on the back of my head again and as you begin to get close you force my head to stay as you begin to thrust upwards in your chair.....pumping my mouth. I feel you move agasint me thrusting deep into my throat pumping faster and faster hitting the back of my throat each time. I am trying to swallow but you are pumping hard and using my mouth for your own enjoyment. I have no control any longer but to try to suck you each time you come to the tip and slam back into my throat.  Then I feel you begin to pulse and I know what will be desert is almost here.
This time I push my head down meeting your thrust working with you faster and harder. Wanting to feel you cum. When I feel it hit my tongue ...warm thick....I slide you deep into my throat swallowing every drop. I feel you shaking a little as I lick the cum off your cock and from my lips. Seeing you happy and relaxed I wipe my mouth of the drool that has formed there and I wipe you clean with a cloth napkin from the table as I slowly .....carefully cover you and re do your pants.
A gentlemen comes over and taps you on the shoulder. Expecting the worst you stiffen and look at him with a stern look ......"I just wanted to ask......can you teach my wife that" as he walks away chuckling

Saturday, October 10, 2009

a dream? ~~~ by Me

I do not have the strength to saythe feelings buried deep within
my soul that aches
the tears that fall
my heart that breaks
it all is gone
I love him so he has my heart
in his hand lays all my trust
he curls his fingers and gently squeezes
the blood that flows slowly freezes
I gasp for breath and stare in his eyes
i glow with trust love and life but saldy tho its not returned
for in his eyes all hope dies
I watch his fingers bury deep
as my heart begins to bleed
the grin that forms upon his lips
as he tells me now ...begin to strip
i stand alone on shacky legs
as all clothes are slowly stripped away
no decency is left for meI am his now I can not flee
i close my eyes as tears do flow
all I wish is for him to go
but a gentle hand now lays on my skin
a touch so light it's like a ghost
I dare to look afraid to see the hand is his, there's a gentle squeez
a nightmare he whispers into my ear
now close your eyes and dream my dear
of us together us alone the love we share can not be undone
wrapped in his arms and in our bed
a smile forms upon my lips as dreams do dance within me head
of us together us alone and the love we share not to be undone

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

What I feel love is by SirDragon (Peter A.M)

Love is being happy,
for the other person when,
they are happy,being sad for the other person,
when they are sad.
Being together in good times,
and being together in bad times.
Love is the source of strength,
Love is being honest with yourself.
At all times being honest,
with the other person,
at all times telling,listening,
respecting the truth, and never pretending.
Love is the source of reality,
Love is an understanding that is
so complete that you feel as if you
are a part of the other person.
Accepting the other person just the way they are,
and not trying to change them to be something else.
Love is the source of unity,
Love is the freedom to pursue
your own desires,while sharing your experience
with the other person.
The growth of one individual alongside of,
and together,
with the growth of another individual.
Love is the source of success.
Love is the excitement of planning things together,
the excitement of doing things together.
Love is the fury of the storm,
the calm of the rainbow .
Love is source of passion,
Love is giving and taking in a daily situation.
being patient with each other'sneeds, and desires.
Love is the source of sharing,
Love is knowing that the other
person will always be with you,
regardless of what happens,
missing the other person
when they are away,
but remaining near in heart atall times.
Love is the source of security,
Love is the source of life.
SirDragon (C) Peter A. M.

Protected ~~~~~ By Me

Sleep my love let the day go
I'm here to hold you safe and warm
Troubles of the day all are gone
Protected you are my cherished one
Lay close to me in my arms you'll stay
Rest dear one tomorrows another day
Dream of rainbows where we can play
Of laughter, smiles, and loved ones
Dance amoung the clouds my love
Run through fields of flowers
Feel the sun upon your face
Remember you are safe little one
No trouble will come your way
When daylight comes tomorrow
And your eyes begin to flutter
Slowly you will wake my love
In my arms where you are safe
Together we'll face the day

Spirites in the Wind ~~~~~ By Me

Move on they say, dont stand still
Leave the pain of the past behind
let the future come shining through
Our dreams are all but forgotten
Through you they must live on
Happiness is what we wish for you
But pain will surely come
Take it in, then let it go
Don't keep holding on
All is never lost, we will light the way
We are family, friends and lovers
We are here for you in every way
Now move on, but always remember
Live out your dreams and wishes
Life is not forever, someday you'll be with us
Shining the way for others

Sunday, September 27, 2009

hope by Brian Quin

When all about you is black with gloom,
And all you feel is pending doom.
When your bones are racked with grim despair -
When every breath is a gasp for air.
Keep on going, though you need to grope,
For around the bend is a ray of hope.

A ray of hope is perhaps all that's left,
As your will to live has been bereft.
You've lost it all, it's just no use!
You can end it all, you need no excuse.
But throw away that piece of rope,
And give yourself a chance of hope.

Just give yourself another day,
Brushing aside what your thoughts may say.
This is your life and you can make a new start,
By ignoring the brain - just follow the heart.
Taking baby steps in order to cope,
And minute by minute you'll build on your hope.

Build on your hope,. one day at a time,
Though the road be steep and hard to climb.
The hurts of the past - they should be dead.
The fears of the future are all in your head.
Just live in the present and refuse to mope
Your life will sparkle for you're living in hope.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Alive ~~~~~ By Me

Stronger than I’ve ever been. So often it felt like the world would end. The ones I love and loved now gone alone I must learn to stand. Lessons taught so harshly it seemed now make me who I am. I have felt weak for too long with my eyes to the ground. Ashamed so often of who I am and the words that would come out of my mouth. No longer do I feel this weakness. The shroud of insecurity and despair was ripped from me leaving me bare for the world to see. But to my surprise no laughter was heard nor a cruel word. As I slowly raised my head I was greeted with kindness and care. A new cover was put around me not one to hide beneath but one to make me see. Confidence I began to feel. My thoughts began to look to the future instead of the past. As this feeling of new found security over took me, I felt a hand placed in mine. No longer did I have to wait to rise for I had done so on my own.
Opening my eyes once again to see the world as never before. I only looked down once to glance at the hand in mine, but no longer was it there. I still felt its warmth and felt its grip as if to let me know I will never be alone. I raised my eyes up to the sky again and let the suns warmth wash upon my face. The corners of my mouth raised in a smile I could not hold back. Breathing in deeply, feeling my lungs fill with air as only one thought was in my mind, the one thought that would stay with me throughout life………I am alive!!

final sleep ~~~~~ By Me

It’s over whelming the pain that starts within It overtakes all feelings and turns them dark and dim My stomach tied in knots as my chest begins to cave My head begins to swim as my eyes turn dark and grey My heart beat begins to quicken as my hands begin to shake My lips begin to tremble as I slowly lose my faith Left broken and alone grey is all I see No one around to hear me cry or even here me breath I look to god but he’s not there Disappointed and ashamed he has left me here Alone among the masses so lonely and afraid I close my eyes and take a breath and except that this is fate I slowly sink into the tub as the water creeps up far above My arms go numb my breathing stops As the plan I made begins to work The drug I took slowly takes effect As I drift into that final sleep