I can close my eyes and picture us dancing somewhere, a bar/restaurant somewhere where there is slow music, low lights, about five other couples on the floor mostly older. We are already looked at as being the cute "young" couple with friendly smiles from the older couples as we walk onto the dance floor.
Dancing slowly, swaying to the music, pressed close together. A couple of the older gentlemen smile at you and nod their heads as they hold their partners at the "correct" distance. But we stay close together my head on your shoulder turned so I can kiss your neck a little here and there. Letting my hands dip a little past your waist line with a gentle squeeze to your ass and then slide them back up to your neck where I begin to slowly rub it. Tracing my fingers up and down the center of your neck, kneeding my thumbs into the mucles and looking up at you. Leaning in for what starts out as a very soft kiss, a gentle brush of our lips. My hips pressed against yours I can feel you kind of twitch beneath your pants when our lips touch so I bite a little, not painfully, on your lower lip. I feel another little twitch and feel your hands pull me closer to you. I part my lips and let my tongue trace your lips till yours part and then delve my tongue into your mouth touching the tip of my tongue to yours. A gentlemen from one of the couples clears his throat and you look over and kind of smile and nod at him while I try to drag your attention back to me trying to get my lips back onto yours. You don't let me have your lips immediately you kind of rock your head to the side and say "now now pet...behave" and kind of chuckle as you grip my ass pulling you tight against you. I can feel your hardness bulging beneath your pants. I hesitate making another move being conflicted on if it would be good or bad to try to kiss you again but then I feel you pressed hard against me almost feeling like your cock is pressed up against my clit that is exposed under my dress. I look up at you and your grinning. I push my lips against yours almost bruising them while I push my tongue into your mouth. I hear you moan which just encourages me more. Pressed firmly against your lips and feeling that all your concentration is there I quickly drive my hand beneath your pants and grip your cock. I feel your body sort of push against mine as if your knees give out. I hear one of the women next to us gasp. But I pay her no attention....all my attention is on pleasing my Master. I push my hand up to the tip and place my palm so that the tip is in the center of my hand then pushing down forching the tip to run across my palm and sliding your shaft through my fingers. I do this a few times each time getting a little rougher. As I have worked my way from your lips to your neck sucking on it deeply and listneing to you moan with each rough stroke. You are then tapped on the shoulder by one of the gentlemen who distinctly says "you have a very interesting dance but I believe it might be best if you leave the dance floor". You kind of look at him with a look of anger but then soften and tell him that you are sorry our dance has disturbed him and that he is right that it is time to leave the dance floor. You step back as my hand is snapped out of you pants and say "come pet it is time to return to our table".
I look to the floor upset with myself for I feel I have upset you and I follow you to the table making sure to keep my head down and eyes to the floor. We sit at our table and you say nothing at all which causes me to feel more guilt for not pleasing you. Minutes pass and waiters have come with glasses of wine and left again. You look at me and tell me to kneel before you. I get up from my chair and do as I am told ......the couple at the next table looks over and shakes their heads and gets up ....we here the women mumble something about young folks and manners. The dance floor is a few tables in front of us and is slightly crowded with the remaining guest of the restuarnt. You look down at me and say I believe my pet is still looking for desert. I look up at you wondering at first what you might mean until my mind clicks and I know and say a simple yes Master I am. I watch as you lift the cornor of the table cloth up and I can see that you have undone your pants and you are sitting their with your cock fully erect and exposed. you simply look at me and tell me pet if you wish to have desert I believe you will have to work for it. I crawl closer to you and look up at you, a waiter passes and almost drops his tray seeing what is about to happen but keeps walking snickering. I lean down and wrap my lips around you wanting to go slow, taking the tip and sucking it, moving further down slowly only about half way when I feel it go what feels like to far and I jerk back up hitting my head on the cornor of the table. I hear you sigh and say no pet I think it is more like this ....and I feel your hands on the back of my head as you shove your cock deep down my throat hard and fast. I go to pull up but you hold me there saying now swallow and keep swallowing. I do as I am told trying to make my throat muscles as tight as I can around you swallowing hard over and over again. Then I feel you yank my hair and pull me off.......you look at me again.....pet now do you know? I do not answer I just know what I need to do......I take you back in my mouth and I force you deep in my throat and back up again faster and faster and faster, swallowing you wanting to make you cum wanting to please you. I hesitate when I hear one of the couples return to their table ...stopping almost letting you come out of my mouht but then I remember my training and keep you there but still afraid to move frozen from being caught. But then you tell me that you never gave me permission to stop and you force my head down again. I keep moving on you faster and faster ....hard ...thrusting my head down on you till I feel your hands on the back of my head again and as you begin to get close you force my head to stay as you begin to thrust upwards in your chair.....pumping my mouth. I feel you move agasint me thrusting deep into my throat pumping faster and faster hitting the back of my throat each time. I am trying to swallow but you are pumping hard and using my mouth for your own enjoyment. I have no control any longer but to try to suck you each time you come to the tip and slam back into my throat. Then I feel you begin to pulse and I know what will be coming....my desert is almost here.
This time I push my head down meeting your thrust working with you faster and harder. Wanting to feel you cum. When I feel it hit my tongue ...warm thick....I slide you deep into my throat swallowing every drop. I feel you shaking a little as I lick the cum off your cock and from my lips. Seeing you happy and relaxed I wipe my mouth of the drool that has formed there and I wipe you clean with a cloth napkin from the table as I slowly .....carefully cover you and re do your pants.
A gentlemen comes over and taps you on the shoulder. Expecting the worst you stiffen and look at him with a stern look ......"I just wanted to ask......can you teach my wife that" as he walks away chuckling
Don't worry
14 years ago